Posts tagged cashew milk

It’s holiday season and the team here at KEBBÍO have been experimenting with new recipes made in-house using our own products, taste-tested by our own team member and friends of KEBBÍO. (Thanks guys!)

KEBBÍO Lightly Sweetened Cashew Milk. Made with 3 whole ingredients your body recognises. Say goodbye to holiday bloat!

KEBBÍO Lightly Sweetened Cashew Milk. Made with 3 whole ingredients your body recognises. Say goodbye to holiday bloat!

So let’s get down to business.

You will need:

2 tsp vanilla extract

500 mL KEBBÍO Lightly Sweetened Cashew Milk

1 tsp ground nutmeg

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1/6 tsp ground cloves

150 mL coconut cream

Optional: a cinnamon stick to garnish


Using a high-speed blender, blend all the ingredients together on high until smooth.

Pour into a storage container.

Refrigerate until cold and thick.

Pour into glasses and lightly sprinkling nutmeg on top.

Serve cold (garnish with cinnamon stick). Best consumed within 5 days.

Do let us know if you’ve tried our recipe by tagging us on social media (instagram, facebook): @kebbio

Happy holidays!


