What is 'health'?

What is ‘health’?

Health, to us, is a connection between the body and the mind, and the ability to find the right balance that works for you. It is fuelling yourself with proper and sufficient nutrition through a balanced diet, getting enough rest, moving your body in ways that feel right to you, loving yourself enough to make good choices for the right reasons, and not beating yourself up when you have that cookie you’ve been thinking about since lunchtime.

A healthy routine looks different for everyone, but the basics are generally the same. You know yourself best, so discover what feels good for your body and mind, then sticking to it. Consistency is key; treat taking care of yourself as a priority. If you’re unsure where to start or want to switch things up a bit, you can look for inspiration from our wellness team here at KEBBÍO, as we will be posting recipes, workouts, and other health tips to help you achieve your goals and become your best self.